Friday, February 3, 2012

What made me turn into the person I am today?

Life and experience is what makes people who they are. I just felt like bringing up this topic today since that's especially true for me. As a little kid, I was very shy and defenseless. I wasn't able to defend myself against bullies. I don't mean defend as in physically defend myself. I mean stepping up for myself and talking back to them when they teased me. That started changing though when I got into 8th grade. That was when my dad made us move to his home country and when he started yelling at us and making us miserable. Don't get me wrong. He did yell and hurt us mentally before, but it got much worse after he moved us to his homeland. After a time, although I was afraid of doing so at first, I started talking back to him. My mom divorced him and then we moved. Right now in school, I get along with the guys more than I do with the girls. I'm thinking that's because most of the girls are really girly and I'm not. Second of all, whenever someone says something funny that was kind of meant to hurt me, I laugh at it in front of them along with the others and then I reply with a joke that gets them laughing. I learned to not take everything seriously which is a really big thing in my opinion. Life taught me to not care about what everyone thinks about me and to be myself no matter what. This, being open with people, and being a good person are what make people want to become friends with you and respect you.

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